Be Here With Me
 There was a piece by  Yoko that I read a few years that talked about pushing an elephant  and changing our heads instead of changing the world. 'That we can do' she wrote.  Compositionally, Be Here with Me melds contemporary notions of  aleatoric  a
Be Here With Me
Be Here With Me

Your head is at the center of a sphere - at least seven feet in any direction. One voice appears, then others over time. Sporadic at first, moving in disparate arcs around you, and yet, all together in one space.

"It's more painting than music." (Painting by John Bjerklie.)

Be Here With Me: 77 minutes of music. 10 pieces at 7.7 minutes each.

All in celebration of the 21st anniversary of London's "Where It's At Is Where You Are" record label run by my good friend John Jervis.

There was a piece by Yoko that I read a few years that talked about pushing an elephant and changing our heads instead of changing the world. 'That we can do' she wrote. Compositionally, Be Here with Me melds contemporary notions of aleatoric and stochastic music with traditional, harmonic progressions studied for hundreds of years.Realized in a three dimensional ambisonic paradigm, a space is created for listening and reflection.

 There was a piece by  Yoko that I read a few years that talked about pushing an elephant  and changing our heads instead of changing the world. 'That we can do' she wrote.  Compositionally, Be Here with Me melds contemporary notions of  aleatoric  a

There was a piece by Yoko that I read a few years that talked about pushing an elephant and changing our heads instead of changing the world. 'That we can do' she wrote.

Compositionally, Be Here with Me melds contemporary notions of aleatoric and stochastic music with traditional, harmonic progressions studied for hundreds of years.Realized in a three dimensional ambisonic paradigm, a space is created for listening and reflection.

Track: Be Here With Me
Album: Seven Days Seven Nights

As much as the phrase can be co-opted for indie pop music, Where it's At has been 'thinking global and acting local' for 21 years now. I got involved in the early stages of WIAIWYA with my Miss Mary project when John approached the label I ran with my brother Jeff, 'Stereorrific Recordings' about a split release. We'd then often split releases, Jerv in the UK, Stereorrific in the US. We've been through years together, with trans-atlantic pop releases and trans-atlantic rock and roll shows and most important - a host of friends. I'm not sure either of us can retire on the proceeds from any of it, and WIAIWYA has outlasted Sterorrific/Waxfruit for sure, but it was never about that - it was about making music together, and in that way, we've always been there, you know, 'Where It's At' with Jerv. Congrats on 21 years, John. You're Where It's At and that's where we are.